Meet The Team

Dr Andrew Lindridge

Dr Anoop Bhogal-Nair

Prof. Pauline Dixon

Dr Steve Humble MBE
Dr Andrew Lindridge - Principal Investigator
Reader in Marketing, Newcastle Business School, Newcastle University, London.
Andrew’s research interests focus on the marginalised consumer, i.e. consumers who feel unable or unwilling to identify with the consumer market, or who the market intentionally excludes owing to cultural, economic, political, religious, or social reasons. An interest that has led to researching marginalised consumers in Britain, China, France, India, and the United States on a variety of consumption topics ranging from: ethnic minorities and alcoholism, inter-generational rifts within ethnic minorities, and how David Bowie fans use his music to reimagine their own past.
Institution web page:
Dr Anoop Bhogal-Nair
Senior Lecturer in Marketing & Consumption, Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University.
Anoop's research interests center upon her interests in understanding how consumers negotiate and consume both their sense of physical being and their self-identity within the spaces they occupy. To date her work has focused upon Indian female consumers, religious minorities (Sikh disapora) and marginalised groups (disability). Much of Anoop's research takes an inter-disciplinary perspective - cultural studies, sociology, history and religion - focusing on the challenges, threats and opportunities consumers experience in their daily lives as individuals.
Institution web page:
Professor Pauline Dixon
Professor of International Development and Education
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University.
Pauline is the Co-Director of the Global Challenges Academy. She is Newcastle University's lead for the Global Challenges Summit. She has extensive experience working in Asia and Africa. Her major research interests are the theory of Austrian Economics, spontaneous order in economics, school choice, children's literacy, giftedness and creativity. She also is involved in research that considers interdisciplinary issues around informal settlements including health, gender, water, sanitation and nutrition.
Institution web page:
Dr Steve Humble MBE
Senior Lecturer in International Development
School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University.
Steve carries out research in sub Saharan Africa and India. He is an expert around analysing data from large samples using advanced statistical techniques using both STATA and SPSS. One example would be the use of discrete choice models (McFadden, 1974) to directly test large household data sets to see whether the parents’ preferences and demographics affect the choice of attending different school management types. He was awarded an MBE for Services to Education in the 2016 New Year’s Honours List.
Institution web page:
Shobhana Sinha
Assistant Professor of History
Department of History, Bharati College, University of Delhi, New Delhi.
Shobhana's research interests center upon community identity and religious movements with a specialization in medieval Indian history. Her work has featured in a number of academic journals and other publications.
Institution website:
Dr Rekha Sapra
Acting Principal
Bharati College, University of Delhi, New Delhi.
Institution website:
Amrita Ajay
Assistant Professor of English Literature
Maitreyi College, University of Delhi, New Delhi.
Amrita teaches Renaissance literature, Indian English Writing, Romanticism and Literary Theory. She has contributed articles and reviews to popular magazines, journals and textbooks. Amrita is also co-editor of an anthology on visual culture in South Asia.
Project Partners

Shobhana Sinha

Dr Rekha Sapra